Uncover what you can do to earn more of your customers’ business!

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Since PTDA’s first iteration of the Voice of the Customer Survey was conducted in 2018, our world and industry has endured drastic change. This latest report offers fresh data and a more timely and accurate reflection of the pandemic’s impact on current and future shopping, buying and communication preferences of PT/MC end customers.

  • Data and insights from the latest report can help you remain relevant to your customers and grow sales as you deliver the resources, shopping and purchasing services and support they seek. Here's just a sampling of what you'll learn in the report and how to apply it to your business: 

  • Key capabilities drive loyalty. Easy ordering and returns, 24-hour emergency service and regular inventory availability are just a few that top the list. What services and capabilities can you add to continue to be the supplier of choice for your customers?

  • E-commerce is here to stay, with more than half of respondents stating they “very frequently” or “frequently” order through a website using a computer. What changes can you make to your website for a more user-friendly and top-notch customer service experience?

  • Sales and service representatives remain essential in the customer journey, with half of respondents indicating the y still look to a manufacturer or distributor for assistance when shopping. How can you better equip your team with the product and application knowledge to set you apart from competitors and marketplaces?

You'll also learn customers' preferred methods for researching and purchasing products, communication, the value of a digital flyers vs. traditional print catalog -- all critical in helping you demonstrate your value to end customers and strengthen sales and service opportunities. 

Learn how to apply the research to your company with information presented in the Insights from the 2023 Voice of the Customer webinar recording, available in in the Resource Library.