PTDA Market Forecast Report

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Released quarterly at the end of February, May, August and November, the PTDA Market Forecast Report delivers market trend information to help you:

  • Be more confident in defining your strategic priorities
  • Reallocate your marketing budget to target customers in industries showing the most promise
  • Shift emphasis from an industry on a downward trajectory to a high growth market

Prepared by Oxford Economics, the PTDA Market Forecast Report is available exclusively to PTDA members at no charge.

The report provides data and commentary on these macroeconomic trends:

  • What is the current macroeconomic climate in the US-- and where is it headed?
  • Will the Canadian economy grow or retract in the coming year--and by how much?
  • How are each of the end-user markets performing in relation to the overall economy?
  • Which vertical markets are on the rise--and which are on the decline?
  • What are the cyclical relationships that apply to the markets you serve?

PTDA Market Forecast Reports  are intended to supplement the qualitative information found in PTDA’s End-User Market Briefing Reports with qualitative information on specific industries. 

Divided into two components, the PTDA Market Forecast Report consists of:

  • Industrial Production and forecast information for the U.S., Canada and Mexico
  • Commentary for customer markets in North America:
    • Food Production
    • Mining Production (excluding Oil & Gas)
    • North America Light Vehicle Production
    • US Industrial Machinery Production
    • Canada Industrial Production
    • Farm Machinery Shipments
    • Electric Power Generation, Transmission, and Distribution Production
    • Material Handling Equipment New Orders
    • Pulp, Paper & Board Mills Production
    • Oil & Gas Extraction Production
    • Iron & Steel Products Production